Our Team.
Meet the local officials who work to serve and represent our community. We are proud to have such passionate and dedicated individuals leading our village government. Together, they work towards creating a vibrant and thriving community for all residents of Brinkhaven.
Upcoming Projects
As we look ahead to the future of our community, we have outlined the most exciting projects that are in the works to enhance the Village of Brinkhaven.
We are excited about the progress being made and look forward to seeing these initiatives come to fruition in the near future.
If you would like to ask questions or help with any projects listed please attend our council meetings, held the second Monday of every month. All are welcome.
1 / Brinkhaven Entrance Sign
​We are excited to announce that we have received a grant from the Knox Foundation to rebuild the deck/ramp/steps at the Town Hall. To stay updated on the progress, be sure to sign up for our email updates below or check back here for updates Thank you for your support!
2 / Document Digitization
We are working to create a digital record of all documents relating to Brinkhaven Village Council business. That will include meeting agendas, meeting minutes, ordinances and resolutions.
3 / Community Development Block Grants
We are currently working to obtain more Community Development Block Grants to cover the costs of the drainage issues that were addressed in our previous Feasibility Study. Additionally, we may consider seeking additional funding to improve the sidewalks in our community. Lastly, we are also finalizing a design for a new Brinkhaven Town Sign to be placed at the entrance of Brinkhaven along Highway 62 and we will be applying for a grant to fund it as well.